Granite is the preferred material due to the hardness of the material and also the colour range that is available. Marble, slate or sandstone is also an option.

Yes – we believe we have the best lettercutters in our industry. We are capable of copying any foreign language – Italian, Greek, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian – just to name a few.

Yes. Our contract will include details of the design and colour you have chosen, the wording, inscription and any embellishments such as ceramic photos, flower containers, statues etc. The total cost of the memorial, inclusive of g.s.t. and the cemetery fee charged.

A cemetery fee is charged by the cemetery to approve your memorial application. The amount of the fee charged varies from cemetery to cemetery. We pay this fee on your behalf and include it in our contract. The licence/grantholder of the memorial plot needs to sign the application form that we submit to the cemetery.